The Results are in for the First Annual CWNCD BioBlitz
Participants in the BioBlitz have finished entering their observations and we are able to see some final tallies. A great bit thank you goes out to all of the citizen scientist volunteers and attendees who took the time to make observations and then upload them to the project.
A total of at least 182* observations were made in the park during the BioBlitz.

Of those 182 observations, we found a total of at least 137* species at the park.

The majority of those organisms were plants and insects, but other taxa appeared in smaller numbers:

This data will be saved and available on iNaturalist, so that we can compare it against the data that we obtain during the same event in subsequent years. By collecting annual data like this, we will be better able to assist the park with their conservation initiatives.
*Note: I say "at least" because of one of iNaturalist's standard procedures — taxon geoprivacy.
Taxon geoprivacy is a process through which the iNaturalist platform automatically restricts geographic information associated with observations of taxa threatened by location disclosure. They will automatically apply a geoprivacy setting of 'obscured' or 'private' to all observations of a taxon in locations (locally or globally) where it has a conservation status.
For example, at least one Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina spsp. carolina) was observed during the BioBlitz, but this species is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List as a result of collecting / poaching, thus the location is automatically obscured and identifications are not being pulled into the project.