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Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP)

The Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP) is an urban cost-share program that provides financial incentives and technical and educational assistance to property owners installing eligible Best Management Practices (BMP’s) in Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Watershed. These practices can be installed in areas of your yard where problems like erosion, poor drainage, or poor vegetation occur. Qualified sites shall be used for residential, commercial, or recreational purposes with a proposed practice that addresses a need.

If you have a stormwater issue on your property and would like to see if you're eligible for VCAP assistance, please click the link below to download a questionnaire that will assist staff in understanding your concerns and developing potential solutions. Once you've completed the form, please email it to

The overall program goal is to encourage homeowners, homeowner associations, businesses, municipalities, churches, etc., to install stormwater retrofits that will provide nutrient and/or sediment reductions that can be credited toward accomplishing Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) goals.

 Rain Garden 

Living Shorline

Living Shoreline

For more information about VCAP, check out the VCAP Brochure and Manual

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Water Conservation District

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